miercuri, 16 ianuarie 2013

How I spent Christmas

This Christmas was one of the most special for me! Even if I spent my whole winter holiday with my grandparents, in the Christmas Eve someone special visited us: my little 4 months cousin with her parents.  On her little shirt it was writting "This is my first Christmas!" and she was wearing a red Santa bonnet. She was so cute! But sure, my parents could not be missing from this important event that happens once a year.
In the Christmas Eve, I went to carol my granparents' neighbours and I collected so many sweets and fruits that I even have today from them. That night Santa Claus was coming so all the kids and not only were excited. Some kids stay late in the night to see him, but I was sure there was nothing I could loose to see.
So I want in bed and the next day, the Christmas day, under the tree were the long-expected gifts: sweets, clothes, shoes, toys, puzzles, hats and gloves for everyone in the family, from the smallest to the biggest. The most important activity we did in the Christmas day was the festive lunch that was full of traditional dishes like: pig meat, head cheese, saussages, hog's pudding, stuffed cabbage, cake etc.
My cousin will certain not remember this Christmas, but I will always remember it.

miercuri, 26 septembrie 2012

Primorsko, Bulgaria

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sâmbătă, 22 septembrie 2012

My Turkish Van

In June, my father came home with two Turkish Van kittens: a boy and a girl. My mom wasn't very pleased to have cats.They were only 2 or 3 months and they were so cute! They were white, with their tails black, their had coloured in specific way, only between the ears, with some spots on their back and they had big blue eyes. In the pictures of them, he's the one with the divided spot on the head, but in the pictures of single cat, it's she. Me and my mother realised that they are different even from the first day. So I researched and I relised that this is a rare and ancient rase (its't one of the first housebroken cats). This rase of cats can have baths and even swim. And I tried this and it's really true! Isn't that amaizing? Futhermore they are very quiet and clean.
We kept them one week to see witch one will remain and witch one we will sell. They were all the time playing, sleeping on each other and eathing from the same bowl. They were like real brothers, but one of them had to leave. So we chosen the girl to stay with us because she was more temperated tham him.
And she grown up hard (Turkish Vans mature at 4 or 5 years), but she is still as temperated as then. She doesn't jump on the kitchen table, she doesn't scrape us, from the first time she relieved bowels in the litter and she also sleeps in her basket. When you say her "No!" she understands and leaves what she was doing. Right now she is sleeping on my feet while I'm writing this article. I can't wait the winter when she will come next to me and she will fall asleep, warming me.
She's a great cat. If your moms don't want any cat in their houses, this is the perfect cat!

duminică, 16 septembrie 2012

Surf's up

Surf's Up is a 2007 American computer-animated family comedy film directed by Ash Brannon and Chris Buck. It stars the voices of Shia LaBeouf, Jeff Bridges, Zooey Deschanel, James Woods and Jon Heder among others.
This is the story of Cody Maverick, a teenage rockhopper penguin who has wanted to be a professional surfer ever since a visit from surf legend Zeke "Big Z" Topanga several years ago. When a talent scout shorebird named Mikey arrives to find entrants for the "Big Z Memorial" surfing contest, Cody jumps at the chance despite lackluster support from his family. On the way to the contest, he meets Chicken Joe.
The entrants arrive at Pen Gu Island, the site of the contest, where Cody meets -- and immediately falls in love with -- Lani, a female penguin who is a lifeguard. He also meets Tank "The Shredder" Evans, an egotistical penguin who has won the Big Z Memorial nine times since it was held after Z's disappearance during a previous match 10 years ago.
Cody sees Tank disrespecting Big Z's memorial shrine and then Tank attacks Chicken Joe. Cody immediately challenges Tank to a surfing duel, which Tank easily wins while Cody nearly drowns. Lani rescues Cody and takes him to her uncle, the "Geek", to help Cody recover from his injuries. Cody wakes up and panics when he can't find the souvenir necklace he got as a kid from Big Z. Geek downplays the necklace, but decides to return it when he later finds it in his hut.
The attempt doesn't go well, however, as an impatient Cody doesn't listen to Z's advice about using long, smooth strokes and makes a board that shatters as soon as he tries to enter the water. Frustrated, he storms off, running into Lani, who eventually persuades him to return. That night, a calmer, more patient Cody works on a new board, finishing it by morning, falling asleep.
Geek finds Cody sitting on an koa log and offers to teach him to make a perfect surfboard. They attempt to take the log back to Geek's house, only to lose control of it and end up on a beach away from the contest. When Cody gets to the beach, they discover a shack full of old trophies and surfboards, which are actually Z's old belongings. He spots Geek watching all those things, and he realizes that Geek is actually Z, the same surfer he had idolized all those years, and asks Z to teach him to surf. Reluctantly, Z agrees, but says that Cody has to make his own board first.
Z compliments Cody on his board, but when Cody is eager to start training, Z instead has him do seemingly menial tasks unrelated to surfing. Cody loses his patience with Z only playing with him, but when Z is asleep, he places him on the board and pushes him into the water. Z asks him did he had fun, and when Cody tells "yes", Z takes him to the water. Z teaches Cody, telling him to surf the waves with long, smooth strokes, just like making the board. Lani comes in and joins them. Cody then asks Z if he'll come watch the contest, but Z refuses, saying he faked his disappearance because he realized he couldn't compete with Tank, and that he was tired. Upset that Z just gave up, Cody leaves, meets up with Chicken Joe, and gets back to the contest just as it begins.
Tank easily makes the finals, as do Cody and Joe, and Joe turning out to be a natural born surfer. In the semi-finals, Tank battles with Cody, with Tank playing with him, but he falls of the board and loses. Cody and Joe make it to the finals. During the finals, however, Tank bursts in and tries to cause Joe to wipe out. Cody intervenes at the last minute, sending him and Tank out of bounds on the rocks. Tank wipes out and is rescued by Lani while Z, who had been secretly watching Cody's performance, helps Cody get back to the beach.
Z and Cody find out that Chicken Joe won by default since Tank and Cody were disqualified. Cody no longer cares about winning, however, having decided he'd rather just have fun instead. Z reveals himself to the audience and invites all the spectators to surf. Cody finishes his interview and joins the rest of his friends in the water.


Diary entry 2

Sunday, September 16th 2012
Dear diary,
Today was a great day! In the morning, I was at "We run Bucharest 2012", a 3,4 km marathon where I ran and I realised the performance to be in the first 30 women in the competition. But I'm still sad that I couldn't get one of the 3 prizes that were given to the first 3 women.
In the rest of the day I staied with my family, relaxing at the TV and thinking that today is the first day of school of my last year here, with my old classmates.
This is all for now. See you later!

miercuri, 12 septembrie 2012

For and against essay: Fast food

Fast food is common for everyone in the big cities of the world. It is a big problem if you get addicted to it. Fast food is not as good as it seems for your body.
On one hand, fast food can have some good points. First, fast food is to be taken away, so the ones that do not have time to cook can buy it. Secondly, it has a good taste, it looks good and is cheap. Lastly, if you do not like cooking you can also buy fast food because you do not have to prepare anything.
On the other hand, bad parts are not very good in comparison with the good parts. To begin with, fast food can cause serious ilnesses like obesity or liver problems and in some cases it can carry off. All these are because you get addicted of fast food. Futhermore, fast food is not like it looks. It is not even meat in there as they combine many bad ingredients. Moreover, fast food contains lots of calories and fats. A meal is almost the daily amount of calories.
All in all, stay away of fast food. It will bring only bad things into your life.