vineri, 16 decembrie 2011

Never Again

When I was little, I went alone to the market, without my mother's permission.
When I got out of the block, I went straight, even if the market was on left. Walking on the street, I thank that it is the good way, so I keeped going. When I relised that I don't find the market, I started to be nervous. I looked around, but I didn't know where I was. Then, I started to stop every person to see if I know it.
Fortunately, I found my father walking on the strret. From that time, I never went to the market alone or without my parents' permission.

duminică, 11 decembrie 2011

Should students be allowed to award marks to their teachers?

Should students be allowed to award marks to their teachers? I think they should. In the next paragraphs I'll explain you why: for how the teachers are behaving with us, for how good at teaching they are and for how good are at giving notes. Every teacher should have a roll where every child should write notes.
First, teachers shouldn't be so exacting with us. If they are too exacting with us, we will write four in the roll. So, they should be broader with us.
Secondly, the teacher should explain us better than now. Some of them explain good, but some of them, not. If they don't learn how to explain better, I'll give give them one in the roll.
Lastly, if they give little notes to us, I'll give them the same little note. So, they should be careful at what notes they give us.
In conclusion, the children should teach teachers, in stead of teachers teaching children. This is my opinion about this question.