joi, 8 martie 2012

Interview with my mother

Me: Where do you live?
She: I live in Bucharest, the capital of Romania.
Me: Do you like living there? What is it there?
She: Yes and no. Life is on one's toes, but this rithm makes stress.
Me: What kind of facilites are available?
She: I have acces to all the posible activities: culture, sport, religion, etc.
Me: Does you city have sport facilities, places to eat, cultural centres?
She: Yes, there are a lot, for all the posibilities.
Me: How about nigth life?
She: It's much for the teenagers, but it's for the ones that feel teen, too.
Me; Do you like your neibourhood? What is it like?
She: Yes, I do. There are some green spaces in my area.
Me: Does it have parks and a lot of green spaces?
She: Yes, there are, but not enought.
Me: What would you change about your neighbourhood if you could? How do you think it can be improved?
She: I'd like to be much clean. I would try to make people understand that they are resonsable for keeping the city clean.

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