In June, my father came home with two Turkish Van kittens: a boy and a girl. My mom wasn't very pleased to have cats.They were only 2 or 3 months and they were so cute! They were white, with their tails black, their had coloured in specific way, only between the ears, with some spots on their back and they had big blue eyes. In the pictures of them, he's the one with the divided spot on the head, but in the pictures of single cat, it's she. Me and my mother realised that they are different even from the first day. So I researched and I relised that this is a rare and ancient rase (its't one of the first housebroken cats). This rase of cats can have baths and even swim. And I tried this and it's really true! Isn't that amaizing? Futhermore they are very quiet and clean.

We kept them one week to see witch one will remain and witch one we will sell. They were all the time playing, sleeping on each other and eathing from the same bowl. They were like real brothers, but one of them had to leave. So we chosen the girl to stay with us because she was more temperated tham him.
She's a great cat. If your moms don't want any cat in their houses, this is the perfect cat!
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